Tom Clancy's The Division: SHD AGENT FIGURINE

Tom Clancy's The Division: SHD AGENT FIGURINE

Shortly before Christmas, New York is embracing a monstrous pandemic. Public services one after another cease to function. And then the Special Detachment — a special division of operational agents — comes into play. This is the same agent of the Special Forces

It seems that the definition of “game service” publishers are now hiding when they realize that they released the project too soon. They promise tons of free content in the future, but at the start the table is empty. Ubisoft was able to break this unpleasant trend, and now we will tell you how. And in most cases, the situation really straightened out, only the players had already left by this moment.

When you hear a “game-service”, you immediately imagine an incomplete “skeleton” that someday, after a few months or years, it will get rid of all sores, become overgrown with content and finally become worthy of attention. Too often lately we have been burned, trusting developers and listening to their promises about constant updates. Destiny, the first The Division, Sea of ​​Thieves, Anthem – all these projects began to lose their audience after a few weeks, while their creators continued to assure that someday everything would be better.


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