The players Division 2 can't find the last two Hunters

The players Division 2 can't find the last two Hunters

Since the release in The Division 2 was a special enemies called Hunters. To find them, it was necessary to make several non-trivial action in a certain place, wait for its appearance, and to kill, to pick up a unique mask as a reward. With the extension of “Warriors of new York” in the game, new Hunters, most of which players have already found, but with two remaining difficulties.

These two Hunters Pier name is Hunter and Food Tuck Hunter. Their nicknames are hinting at locations where they are found. Reddit users launched a special thread in which try to find the Hunters and started a chat in the shell (join now, if you know English and want to help).

the Problem is that the location of the enemies sort of found, but the number of actions needed to call them, are still unclear. Many assume that you need to shoot the fuse box, others need to ring the bell or to solve the Sudoku puzzle in the newspaper.

in Short, the answer is not a hint, but with the recent patch users decided that close to a solution as ever.

The Division 2 is available on PC, PS4, Xbox One and Stadia.

Photos in the header: Splintershield


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