SHD Agent is already on sale

SHD Agent is already on sale

Black Friday – New York City covers a monstrous pandemic. Public services one after another cease to function. And then the Special Detachment — a special division of operational agents — comes into play. This is the same Special Forces Agent. Check out the new SHD figure.

As for the liveliness of the open world, there were no surprises. The Division 2 is still far from the level of the same Red Dead Redemption 2 with its elaborated fauna and a sea of ​​random events. As I said at the very beginning, there are dogs and other animals in the game, but they serve only as scenery, and not as additional characters that can somehow affect the gameplay. As for people, they are divided into two categories – our allies and enemies. All, no neutrals, except for children in safe areas.

Enemies, in turn, are divided into several fractions: Hyenas, True Sons, Outcasts and Black Tusk (appears after passing the plot). Each fraction is motivated in its own way. For example, Hyenas are ordinary mad looters who kill everyone for profit. Outcasts – Angry at all hermits. True sons are ruthless war criminals who want to gain control of the city. Black tusk is the most mysterious group of people who stand out for their good military training and the presence of powerful weapons.


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