Massive responded to the criticism of The Division 2 after the updates

Massive responded to the criticism of The Division 2 after the updates

this week we were told that after the expansion of “Warriors of new York” and the corresponding updates for The Division 2 in Luthor shooter much has changed. This has particularly affected task complexity and the quality drop-down loot. The players were unhappy, and the developers of Massive in the recent stream clear situation.

Main from the broadcast:



  • the Developers actively monitor the technical and server problems, regularly releasing small fixes. Problems on the client side are also considered;
  • the

  • Reset the RAID when you change the global difficulty level was planned in advance — this is not a bug. Reset the difficulty when changing directives, a bug, will fix in the future;
  • the issue with the resetting of control points is discussed while it is still possible to drop points associated with the “RAID”;

  • the Current TTK in the Dark Zone is too low, the developers are looking for solutions;
  • the

  • High level of difficulty is working perfectly, according to Massive. Test — not, therefore in the future it’ll loosen;
  • the

  • Full group of players + difficulty level “Test” too greatly increase the complexity of the tasks — Massive is working on a solution; the same goes for “Heroism”;
  • the

  • with regard to the average quality of loot on the higher difficulty levels, Massive asks players to send screenshots, where drops a gear.

otherwise, Massive sticks to his words spoken before — to build the final conclusions before. The developers expect that the players will be ideal to build your build to the complexity of the missions each time felt weaker.

the First season of The Division 2 under the Shadow Tide is already in full swing. The first goal is renegade Neptune is available for elimination.


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