Massive Entertainment will bring you to the studio, just help improve the game

Massive Entertainment will bring you to the studio, just help improve the game

Yesterday, Massive Entertainment announced that it still has no time to make paid additions to Tom Clancy’s The Division, because the main game requires significant improvements. So significant that the next patch number 1.4 will be released no earlier than October.

As soon as you get to Manhattan, go to Hudson Camp and look at the bulletin board, because the incidents there are different from the incidents that you receive at the Operations Base. While traveling around The Division, you will not only meet with civilians, but with marauders, cleaners or bandits not marked on the map. Look at the level of opponents, and if it does not exceed your cut in the air – feel free to attack.

You are the representative of the second wave of agents of The Division, one of your tasks is to find out what happened with the first wave and with the inhabitants of the city. Zdes unto you pomogut mnogochislennye pazveddannye, pazbpocannye Po entire team Manxettenu: telefonnye zapici, otchety agentov, raporty, RESIDENCE, echo zapici, fotografii c dronov, Pages Per of rukovodctva Po vyzhivaniyu – Cobiralas THEIR vce, za razveddannye dayut nekotopoe kolichectvo opyta.


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