Ubisoft has mercy on the punished for a harmless modification of the gamer

Ubisoft has mercy on the punished for a harmless modification of the gamer

A few days ago, Ubisoft issued an eternal ban on The Division’s multiplayer shooter Matti Hietanen, who created the useful Cinematic Tools photo mode. Since the toolkit did not affect the gameplay in any way, many gamers expressed their dissatisfaction with the developers’ action. It seems that.

In the residential quarter where the apartment was located, the roads are littered with garbage, sometimes up to the second floor. But in Times Square there is nothing of the kind: the windows are broken, but everything is clean, and at night the square is lit up by huge screens – as if the epidemic began only yesterday. No one lives in Times Square, so there are no garbage bags. It is so natural and logical that you simply do not pay attention to it – it should be so.

And I will tell you more. With its detailed, hand-crafted city, The Division fought off the urge to return to other open-world games. How can you now look at Fallout 4 without laughing, where dried bodies with broken skulls lie right under the door to someone’s house? How much did they decompose there? A few generations? And it didn’t occur to anyone to tidy up where you live.


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