Sony hands out The Division on Asian PS Plus

Sony hands out The Division on Asian PS Plus

Hello everyone, we are slowly returning from the New Year holidays. Tell us how you rested and what Santa Claus brought to you under the Christmas tree? In the meantime, you’re writing, we suggest you familiarize yourself with partly unfair news from the Asian PlayStation Store, where Sony is.

After reaching the limit of the thirtieth level, it becomes possible to pass daily quests and trials. At high difficulty, the layout of opponents changes. Every day, three not very difficult tasks appear, and for their passage an additional currency is charged. The most serious equipment is bought on it.

Tests are available at the highest level all at once – this is the most ruthless variation of story missions. One acquaintance says he remembered the Black Mountain Depths from WoW (very difficult, very painful), only here four cleaners with shotguns panic. Only a collision with people like you can be worse.


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