You can play the original The Division for free all weekend.

 You can play the original The Division for free all weekend.

Ubisoft spends the weekend of a free game in the original The Division on Steam, and you can already download the client. 

When upgrading the base, you open up new opportunities, shops and in-game functions – and so on. The creation of objects, the redistribution of characteristics of equipment, the extraction of consumables, the hunt for recipes and many more subtleties that are not obvious at first glance. And now, on the one hand, it’s great that the game has so many little things and chips. On the other hand, you do not use everything either because they do not immediately explain it to you, or because it is too dreary to select a grenade or a bottle of mineral water each time for the situation. 

All of these pieces have serious potential in the future: each such detail and opportunity can be developed and supplemented, which they will probably do in the DLC. An icon next to the enemy’s health indicates his specialization. Lightning hangs over the heads of people with shotguns. 


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